Hello, my name is Kimmie Kay; I’m a Personal Holistic Healing
Healing: let me clarify, I cannot heal anyone, nor do I make
any claims to have healed anyone. The
title simply is a guide to explain what I am—I am a holistic healer who guides
the human race to a better place.
Guidance is done through meditation, prayer, journeying,
intuition, and other spiritual means.
(Refer to www.KimmieKay.com , Magical
Monday’s tab, please everyone go to the website and enter in your email for
Thriving Thursday’s pick me up! Will be
a soft reminder of what we are working on this week.)
Magical Mondays
This is a 52 week journey, using a standard deck of cards (go
to www.KimmieKay.com to read about the deck of cards). We are on Week 24. I’d like you all to congratulate
yourselves for being here, for taking the time for YOU. Just 30 minutes to improve your life a little
at a time each week. Grateful for you
“Working Together as a group is
where the ‘real’ power is.”
March 12, 2018
The card to carry with you with week is the Queen of Spades, Week
24, and letter on the front is “A”
“A” Albuquerque
New Mexico
Miracles happen and this is
what happened in Albuquerque, before I share my story , lets relax first.
Exercise before lesson (this method is the fastest way to become calm and
centered): IN for count of 7, HOLD for
count of 7, OUT for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7. Repeat 3 x’s
VERSION OF GETTING HERE (This has been going on for years!)
Created February 14, 2018
Do you ever sit and ponder…and wish your dreams were already
in your existence, and all the things you’ve dreamed about in your life, were
here, already reality? I do! All the
fricken’ time.
Fame/famous is not the backdrop for me. Just well known by the people I impact and
the lives I’ve helped become better.
I’ve been drawn to the “Starfish Story” for decades, helping
one person at a time. Well, I’m done
with that! I’m ready to help masses at a
time. I want to make a dent on the
World, not just my Community. Yes, my
community is very important, but I’m ready to help the world. Sadly, I just don’t know how. I’m a fish outta water, gasping for air. In my head, I’m brilliant, I’m on stage, I’m
speaking, people line up to talk to me afterwards. It’s not enough to dream it, to imagine
it…I’ve got to do something. Make
videos, start a YouTube channel maybe, but where do I start? People are so completely judgmental and
critical, it’s frightening to put myself out there in case I look like a first
class dumb dumb.
What do I do God?
Spirit guides, what do you REALLY WANT FROM ME? Are all these visions just little girls
dreams? Where or where do I start?
January 2018, I received a message while inside a
labyrinth in Oahu, Hawaii, to visit zip code, 87113, when I looked up the zip
code it was Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Strange, over the 2017 Christmas holiday I told Neal I felt I needed to
go to New Mexico. At the time, I didn’t
know when I would be going there, and was told by an intuitive that I could
travel there on a journey and hear the message.
She thought it could be a representation of a past life. Yet, something inside me felt I needed to be
there in person.
Monday, March 5th, the day started out so
horrific, and I was scheduled to be on a flight to Colorado in a few hours. I
questioned whether I should go to Colorado or not. I asked my voice channeling teacher if I
should go—my intuition was shot! She
said I shouldn’t go. However, I already
paid for the ticket, I had positive vibs towards this client, and I was already
packed. The day never stopped being
horrific! I landed in Denver, and many
hours later, drove to Colorado Springs and went to bed anticipating a better
day tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 6th, when I arrived at the
Folium facility I was greeted kindly by Quan as we walked in together. Inside, I hugged some familiar faces and went
back to Quan’s office to discuss the game plan of the day. (Client arrives) The meeting was a big
success, my client was impressed, and guaranteed us her business. “Victory”
Wednesday, March 7th, my client and I
clicked so well, I invited her to stay with me so she could sleep for a while
before she left to Dallas at 3 am. When
she awoke, so did I. I couldn’t get back
to sleep, I began cleaning up old emails, etc., I set my alarm for 7 am. When my alarm arrived, apparently I hit
‘dismiss’ instead of ‘snooze’ and awoke after 9:30 am. One thing led to another and I decided
instead of going into the office, I would head down to the farm in La Junta to
see Johnny. While I was driving, a sign
past by my peripheral vision, Albuquerque +the miles ( I didn’t see). My brain is thinking, “What?” So, I Google’d
it. It was a little over a 5 hour drive
from La Junta. My mind began to race, do
I? Don’t I? I called Angela, she built the labyrinth in Oahu. She said, “Aw-ha, you’re the reason I haven’t
left the house yet, I’m to pull a card for you.” Angela has several Tarot decks and she pulls
from the deck that calls to her, today it was the Crystal Goddesses 888 deck,
the card (as she began to giggle), “Crossroad of Destiny”. She read the entire message to me, it fit
perfectly and there was no denying I should go.
Her last words to me where, “Follow your HEART.”
I justified the journey with my ego: Besides, what did I have to lose? Being this close, if I didn’t go, I’d always
wonder, “what if?”
After lunch and touring the building with Johnny, I hit the
road heading to Albuquerque.
(Important note:
Around October 2017, the number 423 kept coming up, over-n-over, it
lasted for months. Humph! It’s a 17 mile highway in Albuquerque that
goes right through zip code 87113. Spirit has such a unique way of
communicating with us at times. )
The drive was majestic, but I must confess, I was full of
nervous energy. Messages kept coming in,
“your life is about to change, there is no going back, are you ready for
this”. Needless to say, it was starting
to get the best of me, so I put on Jake Ducey hypnosis for healing to relax
myself. It worked, and yet the closer I
got the more fear crept in, I began to doubt myself—my ego began to doubt! “Did I make the right decision?”
When I arrived in town, I found 87113 zip code, drove around
some, then hit the 423 highway and drove the 17 miles to see how it felt. My ego was filling me with more doubt.
I was tired and found a hotel, not realizing, I had gotten
back into the 87113 area. Took a long
bath, began meditation, which guided me to look up labyrinths. There are eleven (11) labyrinths in this
town; they even have an organized labyrinth society. Spirit showed three of them to me that I was
to visit the next day.
March 8th, 2018
Woke up at the perfect time, went down to the desk to turn
in my key and let them know the coffee pot didn’t work. As my luck would have it, they hadn’t put
away breakfast yet. (Thank you)
When I was leaving the lady at the desk asked if she could
ask me a question. I said, sure. She said, “last night when you checked in,
you mentioned you were lead here by spirit guides. I’m wondering, do you have a message for
me? Like where I’m headed in my life,
what I should be doing?” She caught me
off guard; I’ve never been asked that before by a complete stranger. I let her hopes down easy, I did not have one
then, but if one came, I’d call the hotel and let her know. (One, currently, has not arrived.)
This day, March 8th, equals eleven (3+8), the
year we are in is also eleven (2+0+1+8), the city holds 11 labyrinths—divine
intervention! I can’t make this sh__ up.
I arrived at my first labyrinth at 11:22 am, again, perfect timing. The message:
I was led there to‘re-open’ the labyrinth. I’m not sure what that means exactly; but, Ok
cool. Off to the next one. I arrived just before 1 pm, was given a nice
tour of the library/gift shop and handed instructions about the labyrinth. I was to Dance with God in this
labyrinth. Which, I did.
(Important note:
Weeks ago, a wonderful metaphysical/mystic, Adria, came to my home and
mentioned she had a message for me. I
was to be organizing or will be the leader of ‘Sun Tribe’. Currently there is no such thing. But I liked the sounds of it and began to ask
for guidance towards it. As a human
being, I also wanted to change the name to ‘Sunrise Tribe’, sounded more
Message from the second labyrinth: the name is not Sunrise it IS Sun and sun
stands for “Suicide Understands No one”, it is the only death to humans that is
always caused by missed communication. I
began to cry, the dirt lifted from my soul, the dust cleared from my heart, my
feet were pulled from the mud. I cried
harder. It made so much sense! Gratitude flowed from every orifice of my
body. I spoke out loud, “I honor you and
accept this mission.”
Then a voice interrupted me, “Don’t let them leave.” There was a mother and daughter who were
about to leave, I called after them, they came back, mentioned they didn’t want
to disturb me. When I told them of the
message, they stayed and did their Dance with God.
When I arrived back at my car, I couldn’t leave, all I could
do was cry and say thank you. What an
honor to be chosen to bring a tribe together, to make an impact on the
world. This is so much bigger than me,
but the message is clear, the vision of the path is even clearer.
As I drove to the next labyrinth, a mental picture of a
basket full of papers was dumped onto my head with spirit saying, “You have
every tool, you’ve already done the things necessary to put this together, use
your resources.”
The third labyrinth was the biggest of them all. It brought a calming peace to my body,
especially my heart. At first there was
no message, just peace. Then I asked, as
I lay in the center, “There was a question of a past life here, what’s that about?” Don’t recall how long I was there, but my
head began to hurt immensely, so much pain I thought my ears would burst, the
wind picked up and chimes from the surrounding area were almost unbearable. Message/vision: I was killed by Oscar Mendez, 1864, he bashed
my head in with a rock, which would explain the pain. I’m not sure what was
going on in the territory at the time, but I was not liked. (I wish the winning lottery numbers came this
When I got back to my car, I looked up the name, there is an
Oscar Mendez, in this lifetime, he lives in Columbia and makes houses for the
homeless out of recycled plastic bottles.
Another world player, game changer!
I will be reaching out to Oscar soon. (Not to get even! The tribe may need him.)
Elated with excitement and clarity, I began my drive back to
Colorado Springs. Voice recording
whatever came to mind. I have not
translated it yet, but I will.
Today, March 9th, 2018
I’m writing to you….
Love, Kimmie
take your Queen of Spades to remind you,
has been full of wonderful magical lessons for peeling off layers.
me know if you’d like to set up a personal time to talk with me. I have 30 minute, FREE Coaching Sessions
available this week for anyone who wants to discuss any blocks you may be
experiencing, etc.
we get a little better each week, or as I like to call it—peeling off our
layers—we get one step closer to a life full of success, happiness and balanced
every day is a new beginning, have a Magical Week!
Visit: www.KimmieKay.com for the script, forward it to anyone you think might like to
be a part of Magical Mondays, and remember to sign up for Thriving Thursday
gentle reminder.
you next Monday, ‘same time
same rainbow
“Thank you for taking
this class to honor this subject. Suicide makes me angry, I’ve lost four
friends this year and it’s unexplainable.”
Rachel, Camas WA
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