Hello, my name is Kimmie Kay; I’m a Personal Holistic Healing
Healing: let me clarify, I cannot heal anyone, nor do I make
any claims to have healed anyone. The
title simply is a guide to explain what I am—I am a holistic healer who guides
the human race to a better place.
Guidance is done through meditation, prayer, journeying,
intuition, and other spiritual means.
Magical Mondays
This is a 52 week journey, using a standard deck of cards (go
to www.KimmieKay.com to read about the deck of cards). We are on Week 8. I’d like you all to apologize for not being
available this past Monday night, for being ill and taking a week to post
it! So so sorry!
“Working Together as a group is where the ‘real’ power is.”
November 20th,
The card that was drawn for week 8, the 3 of Diamonds, the
letter on the front is “C” = Captain, and you are the Captain of your own ship!
Yes, you
control your destination while you steer your vessel (your body and spirit). I know as a woman, a mom, a wife, a
girlfriend, a best friend, and a female in general, I tend to put everyone else
in front of me. Sometimes, I flat-out
forget to take care of myself! Getting
this message is a reflection on many ‘nudges’ the universe has brought my way
This is a great lesson for me and I hope it will be the same
for you.
As a ship’s Captain uses charts, tides, winds and lighthouses
to navigate; as a plane’s Captain, uses air traffic control, weather, and
instruments to pilot; we too must use tools to navigate and pilot our
life. Commercial Captain’s have the
responsibility to keep passengers safe, stay the course, and get all in their vessel
to the destination in a timely manner.
Interesting, we have the same responsibility as commercial
Captains in our own lives! We are responsible to keep ourselves safe, stay our
course and course correct when needed, achieve our goals in a timely manner and
arrive in one piece. We can do
this! One step at a time.
Look, I got completely de-railed this week. I was at a wonderful conference on Monday, it
ran right into Magical Monday time, and then I got really sick and didn’t get
my work done. Thanksgiving happened and
I was with my awesome life partner, but was away from my kids and that hit me
hard with sadness and more sickness.
I’d been the Captain of my own ship I’d have stepped out of the conference and did
my call, even if I had to ‘wing it’.
Because I let another course control me, I view it as, “I ran my ship
into the rocks, and/or, crashed my plane into the trees.”
Look into your own life, ask yourself, “Where in my life have
I given control to others and stepped down from being the Captain of my own
Take a minute to Write It Down.
Now, look at what you wrote down, where you feel it in your
body? (I feel it directly in my back,
and my heart.). Where ever it is in your body, send it love; keep sending it
love until the feeling goes away. Now, Forgive
Yourself. LATHER, RINSE, REPEAT…until
you’ve worked through all of the times
you gave controls to someone, something else.
(this step took me hours!)
we walk the wrong way for a mile, or ten miles, or ten years…OK, turn around
and walk the other way.” Christian Mickelsen
This IS Magical--The 3 of Diamonds means: versatile, multi-talented, a strong need for
self expression.
“Do not allow worries about finances and
uncertainty to destruct you. There is a
danger to scatter your energies in more than one project and/or interest. Channel your energy and try to focus on
developing and mastering one of your talents at a time. Lastly for the three of
diamonds, when you are focused on the goal, you can be highly motivated with
the potential of exceptional prosperity.”
Wow, exactly like being a Captain, focusing on THE destination. Imagine if a commercial Captain tried to get
his passengers to several destinations at once!
This past 8 weeks has
been a beautiful blessing!
Week 1 = Perfectionism
Week 2 = Unconditional
Week 3 = Underneath
Week 4 = Desire
Week 5 = Beginners
Week 6 = I AM ENOUGH
Week 7 = ONE with yourself
(gold chain represented in journey)
Week 8 = CAPTAIN (you
are the Captain of your Life)
(Week 8, there was no
meditation as a group done.)
to take your 3 of Diamonds card with you each day to be a magical reminder to remind
you, “Accept the Responsibility of your own course, you are the Captain, focus
on you First.”
Week 6—Keep doing—10x’s in the Morning, 10x’s at night time: I AM ENOUGH
you change a habit of thought you change the habit of action forever.
“Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine
yourself to be.” ~Alan Watts
every day is a new beginning, BE THE CAPTAIN, have a Magical Week (day)!
Visit: www.KimmieKay.com for the script, forward it to anyone you think might like to
be a part of Magical Mondays. (Or maybe they just need that one script to help
them, you decide.)
you next Monday (tomorrow), ‘same time same rainbow channel’
missed Magical Monday…
“It was hard going
through the week without focus.” Anonymous
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