Thursday, February 1, 2018

Week 18 - X Out the Negative - Magical Mondays

Hello, my name is Kimmie Kay; I’m a Personal Holistic Healing Counselor/Coach.  

Healing: let me clarify, I cannot heal anyone, nor do I make any claims to have healed anyone.  The title simply is a guide to explain what I am—I am a holistic healer who guides the human race to a better place.

Guidance is done through meditation, prayer, journeying, intuition, and other spiritual means.

(Refer to , Magical Monday’s tab, please everyone go to the website and enter in your email for Thriving Thursday’s pick me up!  Will be a soft reminder of what we are working on this week.)

Magical Mondays
This is a 52 week journey, using a standard deck of cards (go to to read about the deck of cards).  We are on Week 18.  I’d like you all to congratulate yourselves for being here, for taking the time for YOU.  Just 30 minutes to improve your life a little at a time each week.  Grateful for you all!

 “Working Together as a group is where the ‘real’ power is.”
How did everyone do on the 10 things you’re grateful for each and every morning?

January 29, 2018
The card to carry with you with week is the King of Clubs, Week 18, the letter on the front is “X”
“X” out the negative:  Everything I studied this week brought me to this exercise.  I’m grateful and thankful for this lesson.
It's week 18 and the card I drew is the King of Clubs the letter on the front is X. Interesting that the King of Clubs is the 13th card in the clubs and the number 18 is of Goodwill. Most people think of the number 13 is being very unlucky but actually it is very lucky because it means the death of the past and the re birth or the beginning of the future. It is a very good sign that we have the king as he sits in the highest position of the kingdom. Let's refer this, as your kingdom.

Your kingdom is about to have a rebirth! 

I also find it extremely exciting that we got the letter x. The letter X is of course the letter that we view as X seen things out. Today I'm going to teach you how to read your own body. So that you may X Out negative things that are not good for you, this technique is a simple energy test on your body. Let’s get started.
Breathing Exercise before lesson (this method is the fastest way to become calm and centered):  IN for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7, OUT for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7. Repeat 3 x’s

We are all made up of energy, as some call it, we are ‘spirits having a human experience’.  Or as a new friend puts it, ‘we are spirits in a meat-suit’, she has been inspired to write a book titled, “Train your meat-suit!”  Personally, I think she’s onto something. Our life is a compilation of our thoughts.  Yes, our thoughts carry energy and make up what is coming next in our worlds.  The interesting thing is, our body (or, meat-suit) knows just about everything before our subconscious or conscience knows.  So how do we become compatible with the energy receptors of our bodies?  First, we must become aware of the positive and negative of what our body’s energy is reading.  Today, I’m going to share with you a simple technique that you can use anywhere to read whether something, or someone, is good for you or not.

Stand or sit, if you are standing drop your arms to the side.  Become aware of your surroundings, use the breathing and the self hypnosis technique to help you relax and get into a state of body awareness.  Next, say a statement that is true, like your name, I would say, “my author name is Kimmie Kay”.  Generally, for most, a true statement will give you a sensation of falling forward, for some it will simply be a solid grounded feeling, etc.  Next, say something that isn’t true, “my name is Jane Doe”.  For most, a false statement will give you a sensation of falling backwards or euphoria of spinning. Take a moment, each day to memorize the feelings that speak ‘true/positive’ and ‘false/negative’ to you.  When you master this, it’s like having your own guardian angel on your shoulder telling you ‘yes’ or ‘no’. (From the class on Monday night, two people spoke up, they use different modalities to their life awareness practice that you may be interested in checking out:  magnets and crystals)

This technique can be used to test anything, yes, anything!  Food, people, books, animals, should you go/do something or not, it’s endless.  The best part is, you can do it anywhere: grocery store, car, bus, airport, boat, etc., you get the picture.  And, it’s FUN!  Reading your body is an exhilarating experience that can be used to ‘X’ out the negative in your world and move yourself towards experiencing the best positive you.  

Confession, I learned this technique almost 12 years ago and had put it on a shelf.  It’s been a complete blessing to bring it back into my life and to share it all with you.  This thrills me so much, I feel like a little kid who is at his/her first toy store and has been given permission to pick whatever I desire to purchase!

In closing:
Reminder; take your King of Clubs with you as a reminder to practice your true/false vibrations.  As a continuation of the week before, write down 10 things every morning you are grateful for.  As we get a little better each week, or as I like to call it—peeling off our layers—we will have a life of success, happiness and enjoy balanced abundance. 
Consider every day is a new beginning, have a Magical Week!

Please Visit: for the script, forward it to anyone you think might like to be a part of Magical Mondays, and remember to sign up for Thriving Thursday gentle reminder.

See you next Monday, ‘same time same rainbow channel’.

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