Friday, February 23, 2018

Week 21 - Just Be - Magical Mondays

Hello, my name is Kimmie Kay; I’m a Personal Holistic Healing Counselor/Coach.  

Healing: let me clarify, I cannot heal anyone, nor do I make any claims to have healed anyone.  The title simply is a guide to explain what I am—I am a holistic healer who guides the human race to a better place.

Guidance is done through meditation, prayer, journeying, intuition, and other spiritual means.

(Refer to , Magical Monday’s tab, please everyone go to the website and enter in your email for Thriving Thursday’s pick me up!  Will be a soft reminder of what we are working on this week.)

Magical Mondays
This is a 52 week journey, using a standard deck of cards (go to to read about the deck of cards).  We are on Week 21.  I’d like you all to congratulate yourselves for being here, for taking the time for YOU.  Just 30 minutes to improve your life a little at a time each week.  Grateful for you all!

 “Working Together as a group is where the ‘real’ power is.”

February 19, 2018
The card to carry with you with week is the Five (5) of Clubs, Week 21, and letter on the front is “J”

“J” Just be
We will spend most of our time, actually in the practice of just being.

Breathing Exercise before lesson (this method is the fastest way to become calm and centered):  IN for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7, OUT for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7. Repeat 3 x’s
Meditation – experiencing, “Just being”.  Listened to Ocean sounds and practiced silence and clearing the body and mind of stress, tension, anxiety, etc., letting go of whatever thoughts come in, saying to them, “thanks for sharing” and escorting them out. 
It’s more difficult than one might think to just “BE” in silence, with yourself, your body, being one with complete emptiness.
This technique brings you back into center, to be at one with yourself, allows you to listen to what your body is saying or not saying, it opens up your intuition, your inner guide, etc.
Here are the steps to JUST BE:
§  Set a timer each day to practice being ‘nothing’.  No thoughts, no movement, just be!  You may start with 5 minutes, and move up from there.
§  Do our breathing exercise to quickly relax you.
§  Look up to the ceiling (eye balls to eyebrows) and find one thing to focus on, when the room around the item you are focused on begins to get fuzzy, blink your eyes, if it stays fuzzy around your focus—you have successfully brought yourself into a state of hypnosis. You may now close your eyes.
§  Bring in a bright light above your head, could be white, golden, silver, etc.  Let it break apart and surround your body and then enter into your body.  These particles can now be used to encapsulate any stress, anxiety, worry and will be easily carried out of and away from your body.
§  Anytime a thought comes in, escort it out by saying, “thank you for sharing” and send it away. 
§  Be nothing, just your body, maybe floating, completely relaxed with no thought or movement.
§  After you are done, simply count to five and bring yourself back to present.
§  Lather, Rinse, Repeat again tomorrow.
In Love, Kimmie
In closing:
Reminder; take your 5 of Clubs to remind you,  
2018 has been full of wonderful magical lessons for peeling off layers. 
Let me know if you’d like to set up a personal time to talk with me.  I have 30 minute, FREE Coaching Sessions available this week for anyone who wants to discuss any blocks you may be experiencing, etc.
As we get a little better each week, or as I like to call it—peeling off our layers—we get one step closer to a life full of success, happiness and balanced abundance
Consider every day is a new beginning, have a Magical Week!
Please Visit: for the script, forward it to anyone you think might like to be a part of Magical Mondays, and remember to sign up for Thriving Thursday gentle reminder.

See you next Monday, ‘same time same rainbow channel’.

“Was a powerful tool to use to get outta my own mind.  It was actually difficult to do.  The guidance and the ‘thanks for sharing reminder’ helped a lot.” Neal, Kailua, HI
“Thank you, I needed that!”  Jenny, Vancouver, WA
“It was very helpful after a long stressful day.” Joyce, Camas, WA

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