Sunday, July 8, 2018

Week 40 - Readings - Magical Mondays

Hello, my name is Kimmie Kay; I’m a Personal Holistic Healing Counselor/Coach. 

Healing: let me clarify, I cannot heal anyone, nor do I make any claims to have healed anyone.  The title simply is a guide to explain what I am—I am a holistic healer who guides the human race to a better place.

Guidance is done through meditation, prayer, journeying, intuition, channeling and other spiritual means.

(Refer to , Magical Monday’s tab, please everyone go to the website and enter in your email for Thriving Thursday’s pick me up!  Will be a soft reminder of what we are working on this week.) 

Magical Mondays

This is a 52 week journey, using a standard deck of cards (go to to read about the deck of cards).  We are on Week 40.  I’d like you all to congratulate yourselves for being here, for taking the time for YOU.  Just 30 minutes to improve your life a little at a time each week.  Grateful for you all!

 “Working Together as a group is where the ‘real’ power is.”


June 18, 2018

The card to carry with you with week is the 3 of Hearts, Week 40, and letter on the front is “R” = Readings.  Teach you how and why Tarot cards are NOT evil, they were used before Christ by the high priests to give answers to tribes, empires, many leaders did not make decisions without consulting with the priests who used such modalities. 

Tarot cards are answers to questions our head gets in the way of.  You draw the card your ENERGY draws.  You are guided by energy, which we all know is what we ALL are, is energy.  There is no magic, no witchcraft, no hocus pocus—just energy.

Tarot is not the only thing your energy fields can use.  The universe is sending you messages and giving you answers ALL the time, every day.  You ask questions and the universe says, OK, here’s your answer.  Of course, most of us ignore them.  I’m forever interrupting people (bad habit) because I get so excited when they say, “For some reason, I keep seeing black squirrels where ever I go”, or “I see 12:34 on the clock every day”, or “The word STAR keeps showing up”, or “I wake up at 4:12 am many times a week”…what does all this mean?

Simple, messages from the universe to you.  Isn’t it wonderful? 

Remember, we keep talking about journaling in the PM before you go to bed and in the AM when you wake up to write down as much as you can recall of your dreams.  Answers to our questions, like, “What’s my purpose in life.”  Are being told to us, every day in every way!!

This type of stuff excites me to no end, when I figure out how to make a living off of helping people understand the messages the universe is giving to them—I’ll be a happy, happy camper.  Readings come in many shapes and sizes, Tarot is just a tool to read your energy and produce an answer to a question in a physical form (a card); but honestly, you already knew/know the answer.  You, society, environment get in the way.

So exciting to share this with all of you.  When you are ready for a reading, let me know and I’ll be happy to do one for you.  It’s fun!


Relaxation and breathing, breath in peace, breath out fear.  Bring your energy down and be relaxed.

In Love, Kimmie


In closing:

Reminder; take your 3 of Hearts and look for signs. 

Be Magical.

Feel your happiness, REALLY FEEL it.

As we get a little better each week, or as I like to call it—peeling off our layers—we get one step closer to the life we want to live, not the life others want for us. 

Consider every day is a new beginning, have a Magical Week!

Please Visit: for the script, forward it to anyone you think might like to be a part of Magical Mondays, and remember to sign up for Thriving Thursday gentle reminder.

See you next Monday, ‘same time same rainbow channel’.


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