Sunday, December 17, 2017

Week 11 - Evaluation - Magic Mondays

Hello, my name is Kimmie Kay; I’m a Personal Holistic Healing Counselor/Coach.  

Healing: let me clarify, I cannot heal anyone, nor do I make any claims to have healed anyone.  The title simply is a guide to explain what I am—I am a holistic healer who guides the human race to a better place.

Guidance is done through meditation, prayer, journeying, intuition, and other spiritual means.

(Refer to , Magical Monday’s tab)

Call in: 605.475.4038
Pin:  617008#  (6243)

Magical Mondays

This is a 52 week journey, using a standard deck of cards (go to to read about the deck of cards).  We are on Week 11.  I’d like you all to congratulate yourselves for being here, for taking the time for YOU.  Just 30 minutes to improve your life a little at a time each week.  Grateful for you all!

 “Working Together as a group is where the ‘real’ power is.”


December 11th, AND, this is the 11th week!

A Master number, the 11is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is instinctual, charismatic, dynamic and capable when its sights are set on a concrete goal. The 11 is the number associated with faith and the spiritual realm.

Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose

Angel Number 11 brings a message from your angels to pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude will manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations.  

Card drawn is the Ace of Hearts and the letter “E” = Evaluation

Evaluate what Level you might be at in having a breakthrough; example,
·         Level 1 = you are here listening
·         Level 2 = you show up each and every week
·         Level 3 = you are writing things down and actually practicing the lesson given
·         Level 4 = you are feeling some growing pains
·         Level 5 = you’ve experienced a Breakthrough!

Ask yourself, What you could do to improve a little this week?  After all the Ace of Hearts is our focus card! Ace is the 1st card of the Heart suit, it is singular and has One Heart.
Before we go into evaluating your heart, let’s breath…..

Breathing Exercise before lesson (this method is the fastest way to become calm and centered):  IN for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7, OUT for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7. Repeat 3 x’s

We must all know the Heart is where our POWER is!  If you are going to have any breaskthroughs they much scome from your heart, because the brain is stupid.  The brain needs your heart to tell it what to do.

Have you ever been so passionate about something, NOTHING got into your way             You moved mountains, overcame obstacles just to get it?

Have you ever stayed up late researching something, because it was so exciting you couldn’t sleep? 

You’re not here because your brain thought, “oh, this is a logical thing to do, could be good for me, ok I’ll call in”. NO!  Your heart told your brain, “I WANT TO BE MAGICAL AND FULL OF SPARKELS AND RAINBOW BUBBLES—CALL IN!”  (ok maybe not quite like that)
When you really want to achieve and experience success, Evaluate your Heart!  “The heart wants, what the heart wants!”

To have breakthroughs you’ve got to put your heart into it, FEEL a better outcome.
Week 1 = Perfectionism
Week 2 = Unconditional Love
Week 3 = Underneath
Week 4 = Desire
Week 5 = Beginners Attitude
Week 6 = I AM ENOUGH
Week 7 = ONE with yourself
Week 8 = Captain, you are the Captain of your own ship
Week 9 = Mantra your life the way you want to experience it
Week 10 = Saving the Starfish

(Week 11, Magical Journey to the movie theatre of your mind, imagine yourself with your goal already accomplished, What are you wearing, Where are you standing/sitting, How do you FEEL?)

When you change a habit of thought you change the habit of action forever.
In closing:

Take your Ace of Hearts with you each day to be a magical prop to remind you to listen to your heart. Pay attention!

Remember every day is a new beginning, have a Magical Week!

Please Visit: for the script, forward it to anyone you think might like to be a part of Magical Mondays. (Or maybe they just need that one script to help them, you decide.)

Note:  FB page is up, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, are set up as well—getting better at posting.

See you next Monday, ‘same time same rainbow channel’


“Meditation tonight was powerful, I liked it. I would like to go back when you talked about life and improving one thing at a time, it reminded me of a saying, ‘Life by the inch is a synch, Life by the yard is hard!’” Neal, Kailua, HI

“The meditation part, I could really see myself accomplishing making the holiday baskets I want to complete this week, even placing the pine cones, buying the cellophane wrap, the baskets themselves.  It was fun.”  Joyce, Camas, WA

“Thank you for the invite, I wish I had been on every call from the beginning.  I will be here next week.”  Rachel, Vancouver, WA

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