Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Week 9 - Mantras - Magic Mondays

Hello, my name is Kimmie Kay; I’m a Personal Holistic Healing Counselor/Coach. 
Healing: let me clarify, I cannot heal anyone, nor do I make any claims to have healed anyone.  The title simply is a guide to explain what I am—I am a holistic healer who guides the human race to a better place.

Guidance is done through meditation, prayer, journeying, intuition, and other spiritual means.

(Refer to www.KimmieKay.com , Magical Monday’s tab)

Call in: 605.475.4038
Pin:  617008#  (6243)

Magical Mondays
This is a 52 week journey, using a standard deck of cards (go to www.KimmieKay.com to read about the deck of cards).  We are on Week 9.  I’d like you all to congratulate yourselves for being here, for taking the time for YOU.  Just 30 minutes to improve your life a little at a time each week.  Grateful for you all!

 “Working Together as a group is where the ‘real’ power is.”

November 27th,
Tonight is about writing your own Mantra to breakthrough your blocks!
We are going to learn what a Mantra is and how to use it for your advantage from today forward for the rest of your life!

A "mantra" is a sacred utterance, a numinous sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit believed by practitioners to have psychological and spiritual powers.

The card to carry with you with week is the 2 of Spades, which makes sense because it’s YOU and Your Mantra!!  The letter on the front is “M”, M = Mantra.  

Mantra your life the way you want to experience it.

Before I teach you how to write your own Mantra, let’s breath…..

Breathing Exercise before lesson (this method is the fastest way to become calm and centered):  IN for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7, OUT for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7. Repeat 3 x’s

Mantras don’t have to be big and bold, they can be simple and one goal at a time.  Which, I love!  I’ve written a few mantras lately for other people who have life events happening, like possibly being homeless, and needing a heart transplant.  Those are BIG BIG.  But let’s start out small, like organizing a room, getting rid of things you don’t need, something you’ve been putting off for a really long time, whatever ‘a really long time means to you’. 
Mantra etiquette: 
·         Start-- Thank you God, Spirit, Universe and the powers that be…
·         Write as if it’s already happened
·         Words to Mantra by—Thank you, Gratitude, Blessed, Thankful, Joyful, etc.
·         Say the Mantra 108 times
o   108 has long been considered a sacred number in Hinduism and yoga. Malas, or prayer beads, come as a string of 108 beads. A mala is used for counting as you repeat a mantra, similar to the Catholic rosary. ... And 108 marma points, or sacred places of the body.
·         Preferably say your Mantra in the same place the same time of day.  Light a candle if you can.
·         Most Important!  FEEL the mantra, Visualize yourself being in the future
Here is a Mantra for my moving boxes I’ve been struggling to clean up:
“Thank you God, Spirit, Universe and the powers that be, for the motivation to go thru these boxes, thank you for  clearing my schedule so I had the time to sort things and let go of the things that weren’t needed anymore. Thank you for taking the negative energy I was feeling towards this task and showing me the love it contained. It feels so good coming into my office and seeing it organized the way I’ve visualized it this past year.  With gratitude and love, I thank you for the gift of organization.”
Here is a Mantra for my weight loss:
“Thank you God, Spirit, Universe and the powers that be, Thank you for giving me the right choice of foods during each hunger spell. Thank you for the energy to exercise.  I am blessed to feel so amazing 30 lbs lighter! I look in the mirror and smile at every outfit I put on, and smile when they come off.  Thank you for bringing me courage, strength and mindfulness towards my health.”
Week 1 = Perfectionism
Week 2 = Unconditional Love
Week 3 = Underneath
Week 4 = Desire
Week 5 = Beginners Attitude
Week 6 = I AM ENOUGH
Week 7 = ONE with yourself
Week 8 = Captain, you are the Captain of your own ship
This Week, Week 9 = Mantra your life the way you want to experience it
(Week 9, we did a sample of a mantra for prosperity “Shreem Brzee” to hear the repetition and a taste of ½ of the 108 times)

When you change a habit of thought you change the habit of action forever.
In closing:
Take your 2 of Spades card with you each day to be a magical prop to remind you, “Say your Mantra 108 times” and absolutely LOVE the person you are becoming. 
Keep doing this short mantra, 10x’s in the Morning, 10x’s at night time:  I AM ENOUGH
Remember every day is a new beginning, have a Magical Week!

Please Visit:  www.KimmieKay.com for the script, forward it to anyone you think might like to be a part of Magical Mondays. (Or maybe they just need that one script to help them, you decide.)

Note:  FB page is up, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, are set up as well—To date, have posted nothing…got a mantra to fix it!!

See you next Monday, ‘same time same rainbow channel’

“This may be new and strange; do it anyway.  Feel the difference in your body when you are done, compared to when you started.”  Neal, Kailua, HI

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