Thursday, January 11, 2018

Week 15 - Transformation - Magical Mondays

Hello, my name is Kimmie Kay; I’m a Personal Holistic Healing Counselor/Coach. 
Healing: let me clarify, I cannot heal anyone, nor do I make any claims to have healed anyone.  The title simply is a guide to explain what I am—I am a holistic healer who guides the human race to a better place.

Guidance is done through meditation, prayer, journeying, intuition, and other spiritual means.

(Refer to , Magical Monday’s tab)

Magical Mondays
This is a 52 week journey, using a standard deck of cards (go to to read about the deck of cards).  We are on Week 15.  I’d like you all to congratulate yourselves for being here, for taking the time for YOU.  Just 30 minutes to improve your life a little at a time each week.  Grateful for you all!

 “Working Together as a group is where the ‘real’ power is.”

January 8, 2018
The card to carry with you with week is the 5 of Diamonds, Week 15, the letter on the front is “T”

Transformation:  Transformation can be simple if you understand how your mind works.  Which, I will share with you in a moment.

First, we did this Magical Monday night a little different.  We started our 30 minutes with a meditation; cleared chakra’s and put in place a prayer of protection and abundance.
Breathing Exercise before lesson (this method is the fastest way to become calm and centered):  IN for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7, OUT for count of 7, HOLD for count of 7. Repeat 3 x’s

 (Week 15, Meditation/Clearing and protecting)

  (You can look up how to clear chakras on YouTube, etc.)

The protection prayer we used is below:

After the clearing and the protection, we went over the chart below.  Write Cons on the left side and Pros on the right side:

In the left column under the word, CON’S, take a minute or more, write down everything you don’t like about yourself, your life, patterns you keep repeating over and over, things you do and know you ‘shouldn’t do’, or something in your life you say, “Damn, why do I keep doing that?” OR, “I know what to do, why I don’t do it?”
(Minutes pass)
Now, under the word PRO’S, in the right column, write down the phrase, “I choose _______...” OR “I’ve chosen to _______________.”
Here’s the lesson I learned from Marisa Peer RTT training:  You can choose pain or pleasure.  Everything comes down to the pictures in your mind and the words you say to yourself, and then add the way you feel about it.
The brain loves what is familiar.  Your job is to make the unfamiliar, familiar. If you keep writing the same new year’s resolutions every year like most of us; consider this proof that this is the continued familiar.  So—how do you make it unfamiliar and change what you DO want to become familiar?  I’m glad you asked! 
Let us first understand the way our mind works.
1.     Your mind does exactly what it thinks you want it to do, what it’s familiar with.  Mainly, your minds job to keep you alive and pain free. 
a.     If your brain is familiar with statements like:  “This job is hell, I’m always so stressed out!  The traffic to work is always terrible, I hate going in.”  Your mind says, “OK, well, I don’t want you to live in hell or be stressed out, so here you go—here’s the flu.  Now you don’t have to go to hell or be in traffic.”  You mind IS doing exactly what it is designed to do—protect you.  OR You say, “Why did I volunteer at my kids school, I would give anything not to go.”  Your mind then gives you the worst case of diarrhea you’ve ever had so you don’t have to go.
b.    Your minds job, literally, is to move you from pain.
c.     Be careful with what you say.
2.    Your mind only responds to two things EVER, the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself and there is nothing else.  The great news is, you can change them at anytime.  Your words DO become reality.
a.    Lie to your mind, Cheat your fear, and Steal your power back.  Get back the confidence you were born with.
3.    The mind loves what it’s familiar with and it really doesn’t like the unfamiliar.  If left to its own devices, it wants to go back and back and back to what it’s familiar with, it wants to avoid the unfamiliar. Hence; the repeated new year’s resolutions that don’t change.  If you want success you have got to make what is negatively familiar, make it unfamiliar by leaving it behind, and what’s positive and unfamiliar, make it familiar by leaning towards it.
a.    Leave the negative ‘familiar’ behind, lean towards the positive ‘unfamiliar’
b.    Restructure your language, imprint new beliefs, tell your mind what you want for your future, and the Transformation begins.
(Side note: When you are doing what you’ve always done, and have created the same negativity in your life, write down the opposite of what you’ve been doing and when the activity comes up and you are struggling to do the right thing, tell your brain over and over—“I love this, this is what I want, I truly love it! I’ve chosen to do this.  I’ve chosen to feel great about it.” )
Story:  I’ve struggled with weight my entire life, yes, my entire life, my twin sister was a twig and my family thought I should be too, so they made fun of me most my childhood, to the point of putting an extra helping on my plate when I said I was going on a diet and laughing hysterically.  However, looking back on pictures, I wasn’t fat at all; I was a very muscular girl with an athletic build. Shame on them! However, because of that, I’ve been through anorexia, bulimia, binging, etc. 
Learning what I’ve learned now, I do know, with certainty, I will be at my ideal weight within a couple of months and it won’t be a struggle at all.

NOW, in the future, when I struggle with what to eat and/or exercise; this will likely be the scenario…
…Between pizza and a salad, my mind says, “I know you want the pizza, you love pizza, it makes you happy!”  Yes, and it’s what we’re familiar with.  It knows this because, I’ve spoke out loud a million times about how delicious it is, it’s heaven, it makes me smile, etc. I will now tell my brain, “Yes, pizza used to make me happy in the past, but now I chose to bless my body with food I love even more than pizza.  It makes me happy to bless my body; I love salad, vegetables and water.  This is what I want; this is what I’ve chosen to eat.”  My brain will say, “OK, blessing body!”
…Between working out and watching a movie, my mind says, “I know you want to watch a movie, it feels so good to relax and ‘check-out’ from the outside world. Exercise can be painful.  You said it yourself!  You don’t want to go to the gym.”  I will now tell my brain, “I choose to watch the movie and ‘check-out’ after I go to the gym, I’ve chosen to do this, I’ve chosen to feel great about it.”  My brain will say, “OK, then I’ll give you extra energy and endurance.”
Marisa, “Be specific, detailed, relevant, up-to-date words.  This is NOT positive thinking!  This is instructing your brain to give you what you want.  Because all your brain wants is to do what you want.  It can only do it when you tell it what you want!  When you choose not to do bad things for you, you must tell your brain it makes you happy (be convincing).”
These phrases will help with the column on the left:  “I’ve chosen to do this ____________.”  “It thrills me to _________.” “It delights me to ___________.” “It makes me so happy __________.”  “I’ve chosen to say not to ___________, and I’ve chosen to feel great about _____, because _______ makes me really unhappy, so I have chosen to feel great about NOT doing ___________.”
In summary, take the dislikes, the con’s, the Familiar, use the phrases above to Transform the familiar to the unfamiliar; then make the unfamiliar the familiar.  Simple TRANSFORMATION!
In closing:
Reminder; take your Five (5) of Diamonds with you as a reminder to continue to practice impressing a new picture and vocabulary into your brain, for a complete TRANSFORMATION.  Make Familiar--You will achieve your own happiness, success, and balanced abundance. 
Remember every day is a new beginning, have a Magical Week!
Please Visit: for the script, forward it to anyone you think might like to be a part of Magical Mondays. (Or maybe they just need that one script to help them, you decide.)
See you next Monday, ‘same time same rainbow channel’
“This is my first time on the call; it was nice to meditate.  I don’t take time on my own and this felt good.”  Bernadette, Vancouver, WA

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